About Me

London, United Kingdom
Im just the bartender here....I serve you the Long Island tea, the olives and listen to you.....then I blog...neat isnt it..

Wednesday 11 January 2012

I Got This..Jennifer Hudson

Amazing isn't it, I've not been here for a second and all of a sudden Im hating the fact that I went away at all. Life can do loads to you so can the happenings in your life, new continent, new job, new dog....a lot is new yet a lot has changed. Sacrifice seems to be the order of the day and time and chance seem to have left the building cos I never have any of the two.

Jennifer did a few things to me in recent times and lets just say she touched a string in my heart with this album especially this track. Shes gone though a bit since her last album, lost her family trauma etc. I've learnt though that this is actually what makes us stronger.

I couldn't find the video for this (Isn't out actually they never make videos for the "moody ones") but this should do. Remember the idea is not the video, its the lyrics and what it adds to the soul.

Thanks for waiting (if you're still out there) and hopefully Ill be more regular now I've sorted myself out :)

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